Blessings for my gifts

My blog intentionally explores issues that are often shadows of ourselves, parts hidden in shame or ideas that are sometimes emotionally provocative. I want it to be raw and honest and a place for other’s to recognise themselves and know that it can be ok.

Still, I have recently felt a little weighed down by the density of emotion I am carrying, especially whilst facing grief in so many diverse reflections and I want to remember my blessings, bring my energy up to touch my joy.

So here I wish to bless my children who bring such beauty, challenge, love, joy, humour, honesty and trust to my life. As someone who can be afraid of doing things ‘wrong’, they show me how much fun it can be and what new and interesting directions it can reveal.

Whilst each child holds a myriad of unique and characterful traits, yet still there are some that are stronger in each and they hold the light of that energy to me.

My daughter is love and compassion, she shows me with her sensitivity how brusque I can be and reflects it back to me with tenderness. She carries the weight of the world in one hand and with the other she releases it with her simple and profound philosophies. She offers and receives her love but is not needy with it, she is clear when she wishes to be held and when she does not, it brings the honesty back to unconditional love. I have much to learn from this wise soul, who tells me of her time in the stars and who sees all the love around her.

My son is joy, full to the brim. His smile splits his face in two and it is easy and quick to come. He already finds his own jokes and creates his own laughter and brings everyone into his play and enjoyment. He is balanced and tempered by his expressions of frustration and annoyance, yet still so easy brought back to lightness and giggles with kisses and tickles. I have struggled with joy…. it is not an easy emotion for me, so I feel so keenly the beauty of his, the preciousness, the gift.

As my husband and I share a path of learning to hold ourselves present and being in the moment with these gifts from heaven, we learn to embrace their softness, their adventure, their tiny hands and growing feet; we learn to listen to their needs and learn to listen to our own; we let ourselves remember that this is love, no more or less, not complex.

We remember that we are blessed.