Where have all our mother’s gone?

Feminism brought material equality but enforced a suppression of one of our most vital and vibrant energies – that of the mother. Feminism has had its time and I’m grateful to all those women who fought for our future, now we must shift again.

Moons ago, matriarchal societies were common place; woman was respected and honoured for all of her strengths, not least her extraordinary gift of growing, birthing and raising our children. Pendulums have swung and times have changed and right now we are at a place where we don’t seem to respect each other or even ourselves as mothers.

I recently read an article citing that we must live and let live, each to their own, birth how we want, natural or c- section, it is an individual’s choice. Yet such a crucial element has been missed from this. Bearing children is a rite of passage, the experience provides us and our children with tools a plenty; faith, courage, strength, ecstasy, joy, challenge, beauty, to name a few. It is every woman’s right to live and experience these rites of passage as they were designed. By ‘accepting’ epidurals, c-sections, suctions etc as a choice rather than an absolute necessity for the smallest fraction of the population, we are disempowering ourselves and each other. We are telling each other that we are not strong enough, good enough, brave enough, natural enough.

We were born with the capacity to birth our future generations and yet by the time we reach our due dates we are filled with doubt and fears and we allow our patriarchal society to tell us that we can only do this with lots and lots of (predominately male) help.

Step back into your power woman.

Reclaim your wisdom, your strength and your courage.

Support your kindred spirits whose birth stories fall below their hopes and dreams and use them to learn how to ensure that your story and that of your sisters and daughters are ones of deep knowing and power. That you hold the spirit of woman in your womb as you birth.

‘Live and let live’ is a beautiful adage when held poetically and lightly but not when it excuses the disastrous place we are at with our birth stories today. Not when it removes the support network of knowledge and wisdom from our peers and elders. Not when mothers and babies are dying from intervention after intervention. We know how to birth.

We are women and we are mothers. Whether we choose to bring our own children into this world, or not, our personal mother energy is a vitally intrinsic part of who we are. How we express it can change the world.

Kindness and compassion, courage and wisdom, let’s bring these to our birthing places, to our work places, to our schools and to our homes. Find your circle of women, sit and remember your ancestors, remember who you are.

You are a WOMAN.

(Apologies to all the men reading this, you are, of course, a Man….)

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