The After Life of Billy Fingers

I devoured this in two days (sometimes the predawn anxious hours have their benefits!).

I have been fascinated and drawn to connection and stories of life after death from an early age. My grandfather had the entire collection of Doris Stoke’s books in his private loo and I remember sneaking them out one long summer at their house, one by one until I was saturated with messages from the dead. Later, in my teens I was introduced to Brian Weiss and in the last decade the likes of Anita Moorjani and Eben Alexander.

There is no question in my mind that the human plane is a soul learning experience, that one day we return to bliss and love and knowing, without all the painful and important lessons we have to face here. But sometimes I loose the assurance of that when I get distracted by those very lessons and so discovering a new story, a new experience to witness, feels like an essential reminder to bring me back to centre.

Annie Kagan’s memoir is just that. An incredible story of communication with her brother, endless validation of its truth and stunning reminders of our purpose, our journey and our faith.

If you want to remember why we are here, this is it in a nutshell.

First published on social media on 10th April 2022