Toxin Overload

You may have been led to believe that an autoimmune issue in your body is just bad luck, bad genetics or, at the very least, beyond your control. 

That’s the oft pumped medical belief. 

Except auto immune issues are intrinsically very healable. There are, of course, many layers to healing, which is why it’s so easy to say ‘such and such doesn’t work for me’. But a multifaceted and intentional approach is sure to deliver results. 

Firstly, and most simply, there is without a doubt an overload of physical toxins, be that heavy metals, refined sugars, non-organic & pasteurised dairy, processed foods, EMF radiation and sadly plenty of others. Bringing these toxin levels down to what you can control is enough to give space for transformative healing. 

So if your issues have recently flared, can you imagine what might have triggered them? I have noticed a lot of peers have had terrible flare ups in the past year or so, in alignment with a heavily pushed, recent and experimental medicine. Toxin overload. 

Secondly, there are the emotional toxins of repressed, suppressed or denied feelings. Trauma stays in our bodies unless consciously released. This is often the common stumbling block to complete healing. As a society we have developed a pattern of ignoring or camouflaging the difficult and uncomfortable, but emotional healing can take as little as speaking or writing your pain out into the ether. By just acknowledging even the most heinous of acts the portals open to release emotional poison. 

A simple look at a complex picture but if you’ve had a recent flare, it’s a place to begin. 

First published on social media on 1st September 2022