Am I a murderer?

It is with increasing distress that I see and hear of more and more families and individuals being persecuted for choosing not to vaccinate themselves and their children. I use ‘persecuted’, a powerful word, with intent. In my eyes, it is no different to the paediatrician who was hunted out by locals thinking he was a paedophile. The media hype and ignorance behind these verbal and emotional attacks are horrifying. Naming parents as ‘negligent’ and ‘murderers’ because of their personal choices is just not OK.

Although I have never hidden our family’s vaccine status and have shared numerous articles via social networks, I have yet to sit down and lay it on the table. The time has come.

I was brought up and educated in a highly scientific style; logic and evidence were absolutely paramount to any conflict of opinion, there was certainly no space for anything ‘wishy washy’. I am grateful for this upbringing and the tools it has given me to examine scenarios that I face in life, I have a questioning and enquiring mind as a result. It is with this energy that I came to question the idea of vaccines. From a logical perspective, I had totally bought into the vaccine theory – stimulate the immune system with a small dose of virus, create immunity and hey presto, no need to live through the actual disease. It made absolute sense. What didn’t make sense to me was injecting new born or 8 week old babies with anything. I think nature is awesome, it doesn’t make mistakes, so I see no reason to interrupt that incredible survival technique that it has created to allow our human race and animal kingdom to propagate so successfully. So I opted for natural, drug free home births for my children, on demand and full term breastfeeding and no unnecessary interventions (including vaccines) until further notice….

So that was it, I was just going to delay, wait until their systems were a little stronger, wait until they really needed ‘protecting’, because whilst I was breastfeeding, they had the best protection money could buy – well actually it’s free….

But I wanted to be sure, of course I didn’t want to endanger my children, expose them unnecessarily etc etc. So the research begin. Four years later, I am still researching and reading and listening every single day, but I am on a completely different path to what I expected and here’s why:

1) Creating Immunity – our bodies create immunity through a series of complex steps. Paramount to this is how the viruses enter our system. In nature we inhale or ingest and our first stage immune response starts in the nasal passages. It is a gentle but effective process (nature rocks!). When we inject, penetrate our natural defenses (skin) we create an unnatural immune response, it goes into hyper-drive, skips some vital steps and causes an overstimulated reaction. Whilst this system (injection) can, though not always, create antibodies, they are not a sign of immunity but merely a sign of immune system reaction.

2)Toxins – the first vaccines created were just the virus and a bit of ‘housing’ for the virus (egg for example). Nothing happened. Realising that the immune system did not react to this, the scientists decided to aggravate the immune system, to give it a kick start. This meant including ‘poison’ in the injections. Over the years that has included mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and a whole host of other things. Some have been so instantaneously toxic, they have been removed, other have stayed. Evidence suggests that they do just that, they stay in your system and build up to super toxic levels. On top of which we have preservatives to keep the vaccine ‘fresh’ and/or antibiotics to ‘prevent bacterial contamination during manufacturing’ like the MMR (neomycin). Take a look at the insert for any vaccine and check the full list of ingredients. One scientist is the field of vaccine research told me that they simply included egg white and virus – this is not the case.

3) Research – I like research, I like statistics and I like facts, but my brother has always shown me the way stats can be twisted, that compliant figures can be shown and unhelpful results hidden. Research needs to be very transparent and simple. In the vaccine world it isn’t. ALL drugs should undergo a ‘double blind placebo trial’ to ensure safety and efficacy (this means all parties, doctors & patients are unaware of what they are giving & receiving and that the placebo is an inert substance like saline solution in order to ensure there is a comparison to the ‘norm’). This is NOT done for vaccines, under the guise of ‘ethics’ – that exposure to these diseases is not ethical*, they have found a way not to test with a true placebo**. Except once…. In 1979, a large scale community-based double blind randomized controlled trial was carried out in Chingleput district of South India to evaluate the protective effect of BCG against bacillary forms of pumonary tuberculosis. From among 366,625 individuals registered, 281,161 persons were vaccinated with BCG or placebo by random allocation. The results showed that BCG did NOT offer any protection against adult forms of bacillary pulmonary tuberculosis. The BCG vaccine is not part of the vaccine schedule in the States.

I have also personally spoken to a number of scientific researcher who have all, independently, corroborated the fact that research across many industries is repeated and repeated until the desired result is found, then all the other research is discarded. This means they could trial a drug 100 times and only once have it show efficacy, yet they publish that one trial and bin the rest.  Transparent? No.

4) Natural Immunity – it works. It has done for thousands of years. We contract a disease and depending on our general health, express is strongly, mildly or not at all. We then have, more often than not, life long immunity. If the vaccines work to stimulate our immune system and create immunity, why do we need boosters? Or perhaps it’s just those antibodies that are stimulated, those small markers they may or may not mean immunity… where does that leave our protection against disease?

5) Self Limiting Disease – so I had totally bought into the ‘vaccines have removed disease from the face of the earth’. Nope. The data shows us that the diseases were already on their way out. Education in good health, sanitation, nutrition, fresh water and reducing over-crowded living had brought the diseases to their knees. They had already almost disappeared or were in their natural self limiting cycles. The graphs here show the decline of the diseases relative to the introduction of the vaccines. Take Scarlet Fever as an example, no vaccine for that, yet are we suffering global epidemics? What about smallpox? Again, virtually eradicated before the vaccine was even introduced. In fact, in the Philippines, where they had never had a single case of smallpox, they ran a vaccine drive and induced the world’s largest smallpox outbreak, killing hundreds. (And the town with one of the lowest smallpox mortality in Europe was Leicester, UK, who also had one fo the lowest rate of vaccination but had adopted methods of hygiene – see the Leicester Method.)

6) The Fear of Diseases – so I looked at each disease and whether or not I or my children would have to suffer or be left with life changing issues should we contract any of the diseases. And the answer was no. Look back at medical reporting just 50 years ago and measles, mumps, rubella etc are all described as mild childhood illness. Only the media has hyped them to a point of hysteria, printing emotive pictures and fear. As with ANY sickness, if you are in good health, emotionally and physically, you will process a disease without any serious side effects. If you are immune compromised the outcome can be different, but you should also not be taking vaccines (as indicated by the pharmaceutical companies) if you are immune compromised. What about Polio, Tetanus? Big fear around these diseases. Again all perfectly manageable, it doesn’t mean you won’t have discomfort but you will be OK. There is a great video by Suzanne Humphries, MD on her research on the Polio debate here. And Tetanus…. you can get tetanus as many times as applies to your life and exposure, ie immunity for tetanus does not exist; compounded by its rarity, for example, in the UK just one OAP dies every 2 years from tetanus infection despite over 500,000 children remaining unvaccinated (5% of the child population).

6)What is Dis-Ease? My relationship to dis-ease has shifted too. I now see it as a helpful rather than worrying thing. We are surrounded by pathogens, viruses, bacteria all the time but only when we are ‘susceptible’ will we express the sickness. This is our bodies using the tools of this world to detox, to use vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, mucus to expel toxins and give our systems a cleanse. When illness turns up in our house, I welcome it and support it through the process, not suppressing symptoms but allowing the complete cycle to play out. We are stronger and healthier as a result of the sickness we have dealt with.

To cover the issue of Herd Immunity, whilst we’re on the topic, let’s look at what that should mean – ‘A population where the majority are vaccinated creating a cocoon of disease free bodies to protect the vulnerable.’ It doesn’t exist. My generation, and those of my parents, did not receive the full raft of vaccines available today, nor did we receive the boosters (deemed unnecessary in our day, before they discovered the vaccines ‘wear off’). Therefore we are technically ‘not immune’, there is no cocoon of immune population. Anyone see the epidemics of diseases anywhere? Not I. But I do see that wild polio has self limited in India, yet vaccine induced Polio is on the up and killing people. (“In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP [in India]. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.”) I do see children with vaccine damage. I do see an unprecedented surge in auto immune disorders and in cancer.

So what I found after all my research, including a raft of peer reviewed medical studies (see just one list of resources here), was that I couldn’t find a reason TO vaccinate. I followed the logic and the common sense and it led me here.

And one last question… if vaccines do work, why are you all so afraid of us that don’t vaccinate? Aren’t you protected?

Am I a murderer?

Not I.


With unending gratitude to Anna Watson for fact checking, support, inspiration and most importantly establishing Arnica, UK Parents’ Support Network.  Also to Heidi Stevenson at Gaia Health for her indepth research and wisdom. There are a multitude of resources out there, but to start the ball rolling I also highly recommend The Informed Parent  and the film, The Greater Good.

* Many in the unvaccinated community are happy to stand and have even asked to be included in trials as a comparison to vaccinated status. They have been declined. However an independent study in Germany of over 17,000 (much larger than many pharmaceutical clinical trials) indicates that unvaccinated children are 500 times healthier than vaccinated children

** Placebo’s used in current trials are comparator vaccines, this means that the results show toxic load compared to toxic load with the variation being the virus it holds. These are not acceptable tests and end up creating a false concept that certain numbers and types of side-effects are acceptable.

5 thoughts on “Am I a murderer?”

  1. Just thank you so much for this.
    You have referenced for further research and put a well balanced and reasoned argument for not vaccinating.
    I have been told I risk other people’s immune compromised children by not vaccinating mine, I was not eloquent enough to say what you have said here.
    So thank you.
    I do hope people read, digest and make an informed choice.

    1. Thank you for your lovely feedback, it’s just what I was hoping to provide, an article we can link when we don’t feel so eloquent under the glare of the majority. 🙂 blessings to you and your courage to stand your ground.

  2. Thank you for a sensible, simple and thorough article. So many times non-vaccinating parents are portrayed as uneducated simpletons who are swayed by fringe ‘internet quacks’. In my experience it is the opposite.

    As a Chiropractor who also uses nutrition, I tend to attract the ‘alternative’ set to my practice. These are the people who, like you, look at things logically and ask themselves questions, and do not stand for pat answers and contradictions. They read, research, discuss and continue doing this on all health topics.

    You make some excellent points, and I agree with you on the herd immunity concept. I hadn’t really thought about it until recent years because it wasn’t a common argument when I was making the decisions about vaccinating my son 18 years ago. I am also of the age group where we had minimal vaccinations. My mom actually saved our vaccination records and I have mine. Back in the 1960’s we got about 5/6 vaccinations (including smallpox) and were done by 5 years of age. No boosters, no measles, mumps, chicken pox, pneumonia, Hep A or B. Also no autism, chronic asthma, ADD, ADHD, childhood cancer was so rare when I grew up that it was unheard of.

    Young parents today don’t realize that we didn’t worry about these things. But parents did worry about polio and scarlet fever. I find this concept very interesting because you don’t hear about scarlet fever anymore and there was no vaccination. If you read history you will find that there are a whole host of diseases that used to effect many millions of people (including the Black Plague) that just don’t happen anymore. Of course I’m not saying that humanity should suffer through a plague without medical intervention, however our bodies have the natural ability to adapt and heal on their own and the question should be: how did the healthy survive?

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts and feedback, lovely to hear supportive words. I watched a Bruce Lipton video last night which looked at that question ‘how do the healthy survive?’ rather than disease and sickness. In my view, that is the progressive move forward in healthcare, let’s imitate the healthy…

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