Bechamp or Pasteur

‘It has indeed become the fashion for humanity to consider itself wiser than – choose which name you will – Nature or Providence.’

Ethel D Hume, Bechamp or Pasteur

There are moments, such as these, when I am grateful for the biology and chemistry A-levels that I studied for, nearly 30 years ago. Dredged from the depths of my memories, they were helpful in staying on track with the exploration of the work of these two scientists, Bechamp and Pasteur. 

Pasteur is widely credited as a founder of modern science and medicine (despite not being a medical doctor himself) both with the concept of the Germ theory and with the launch of our vaccine passion. 

Unfortunately, it turns out he was a bit of a charlatan. The Bill Gates of his day, clever at manipulating information, plagiarising ideas and shaking hands with the right people, aka Napoleon. He knew how to sell a concept, no matter if he was contradicting himself, had little evidence or was even causing deaths. 

Ethel Hume carefully lays out all the evidence, the comparative work of these two men, who said it first, and who held the greater integrity. But beyond the politics, lies the real truths about how and why we really get sick – via germs or due to the terrain of our environment and bodies. 

Experientially I know the answer to this but sadly there is so much investment, on so many levels, based on the germ theory of illness that our individual examples fall short of their power. This book places the facts in a line but I wonder how many dare to open their hearts and minds to another paradigm and are willing to read and absorb this data?

I would hope many, I fear far too few. Not least it concludes by highlighting the propaganda used around the anthrax and  rabies vaxx, where a death within 15 days of the shot was not counted as a death from the shot. Remind you of anything? 150 years ago and still going strong. Isn’t it time to awaken to the true science rather than the popular one?  

First published on social media on 12th May 2022

Christmas – An Act of Rebellion

How strange that Christmas should come to represent such a moment of defiance. How sad to have witnessed so many families go against their instinct for connection, joy and love to spend time apart, even, for far too many, completely alone.

I refuse to conform to the rules that are based on lies, distorted statistics and fear propaganda. Apparently, I should not be allowed an opinion because I’m not an ‘expert’; I should follow the rules because other people know better than me; I should not socialise in order to save people from dying a horrible, early death; I should accept data from media and governmental sources without second opinion from independent voices.

‘Shoulds’…. one thing I’ve learned well over the years is always to question a ‘should’.

Does it matter that in the 10 months of ‘pandemic’ I have not once been sick, neither worn a mask or kept my distance? Does it matter that this isn’t just pure luck but conscious, considered health choices that keep my immune system strong? Does it matter that, yesterday, whilst rebelling, we had nine for Christmas lunch, two of whom are doctors, also standing up against the lies and misrepresentation of truth and data? Does it matter that I have studied vaccines in greater depth than the majority of doctors, who usually attend one lecture on the subject in med school? Does it matter that, despite not having a university education, I was schooled in scientific thought and critical thinking? Does it matter that I look at the root of the statistics rather than the narrative they create?

Actually I believe it does. Democracy is an ideal of being governed to follow moral and community rules for the success and happiness of our country. But if that governance is based on lies and deception, it then becomes our duty to stand against it, to not follow, to redefine and create a new.

I have said from the beginning, indeed for the last decade, as I speak out about the criminal behaviour of the trillion dollar corporations dictating our lives, that the only way through this is radical personal responsibility; for our actions, choices, education and moral compass.

If connection, human touch, emotional attunement are some of the most important factors in maintaining a strong immune system, why have you just been asked to destroy those?

Disobey. Reclaim your personal responsibility, make the wise, moral, kind, loving choices that hold the very essence and fabric of our communities. You know. YOU know…..