Collective Responsibility

When my children are present to another child’s unkind behaviour towards someone else, I teach them that if they stand by and witness this unkindness without action, then they are complicit in it. Their choice of action is to walk away, if they don’t feel safe or empowered enough to do differently, or to speak up for what they believe to be true, fair or kind.

Fortunately they are yet to really experience a scenario of group, collective bullying or indeed pressure, but it is this principle that I am hoping to instil in them; that even as a minority figure, they will stand in their truth.

When we stand by and witness injustice or errors of behaviour then I believe we bear collective responsibility for those actions. Though I would clarify that there is a difference between feeling disempowered to create any impact and the abdication of responsibility.

And so it is with our government, media and health service. Those organisational bodies that were created to serve the population; to inform us fairly; to empower us to create our best lives; to represent our values and beliefs; and to work with us to form our supportive and symbiotic society.

Are they doing this? Have they been serving us well during this time of suspected pandemic? How long have the collective been allowing them to furrow their own paths to the detriment of the populous?

Too long. Too long have we complained about governmental power, about media manipulation and god-like doctors who have long been divorced from the true and ancient art of healing. And yet we have accepted it all. We have stood by and witnessed ill treatment, gross negligence, abuse of power and the manipulation of language to engender fear and control.

We are collectively responsible. We can continue along this path, accept ever increasing restriction and removal of freedom or we can use the power of action to force accountability.  Have we forgotten that we, the population, are far stronger, far more powerful and far more collectively wise that these small, tight circles that think they can control us?

Stand up, speak up. History does not need to be repeated. We have learned our lessons. Our collective power is unlimited, let us use it for inspirational and progressive change. Now.


So far since lockdown I have deleted two friends from my FB page, I have a feeling more might follow. These people I consider to be intelligent, compassionate and open minded, yet something about the current global dynamic has shifted their perspective into an us vs them mentality. Right or wrong, black or white, no in-between. That scares me far more than a virus ever could.

I am known for my more alternative perspectives, my challenges to mainstream protocol and I speak freely about my thoughts and opinions. I believe I have that right as a human being and equally I honour the right of anyone else to express theirs no matter how much I might disagree or believe differently.

When my children squabble, they will often, and naturally, try to excuse and justify their own behaviour; ‘he said, she said’ and what I repeat ad infinitum is that it doesn’t matter what anyone else says or does it doesn’t give them the right to hurt; they can defend themselves but choosing to hurt is different.

This translates into now, defend your position and beliefs all you want, form communities and support groups, but hurting someone for holding a different voice (or race or gender…. remember this?) is not ok. Being silenced is included in this.

So unless history is to be repeated, where we submitted to not only the threats of power, but also the tell-tales of our neighbours to silence us, please ensure Liberty is sacrosanct.

Liberty is not dangerous, Oppression is.