Single White Female*

It’s quite something to feel like I’m living the script of a movie and a psychological thriller at that. But this is where I find myself today with a build up that feels quite surreal to say the least. 

Having formed a friendship a number of years ago where I opened my door and life: recommended our neighbourhood, school, mortgage advisor, homeopath even marriage counsellor and much more besides, all of which were accepted and incorporated. I have now found myself at the receiving end of their vitriol and harassment. 

I genuinely have no idea what turned their energy, though I had always seen that they were guarded, holding back. I saw this as a trauma response and accepted it as part of their being, though now I wonder about what has been churning in their soul all this time. 

And now I wait in daily angst for the next barb, the school WhatsApp belittling, the opportunity they take for slander: toxic, immoral, narcissistic, whatever judgement they wish to hurl that day. Even in my car I am unsafe from the intensity, when they decide to undertake and swerve in, two cars ahead causing hooting and braking from the cars behind. 

The behaviour is deranged and irrational, no matter what I say, or don’t, or even any attempt to appease, it’s all taken as fuel for their obsessive inner fire. And how can I escape when are lives are so intertwined? 

There is nothing I can do but engage as little as possible although even then I’m accused of being rude. Legal recourse is on the horizon, but do I have to wait for injury or damage for that to happen? Will it happen? I honestly cannot say. I once would have been sure that that was never in their make up but now I hesitate. Where are they going with this, what is their purpose? And why me….

*Single White Female is a 1992 psychological thriller 

First published on social media on 26th June 2023

Treat ’em Like A Dog

In actual fact, there is a lot of truth in this statement where our children are concerned. But I imagine I need to explain myself a little more before I’ve convinced anyone! 

When we rescued our dog from the streets of Athens, it was a whole new world of learning and discovery. I had never owned a dog before and have to confess I thought training would be a simple case of bribery and corruption, with multiple treats. It may work for some but not for mine! 

Thankfully I was led to the work of Jan Fennell, The Dog Listener, who helped me understand that my dog was presuming dominance from our attitude and felt the need to protect her pack aka us! More than that it was incredibly stressful for her; without training or leadership, being the Alpha is no fun at all. So we adopted the techniques required to show her who was boss, and how subordinate she really is. Relative calm ensued. She will test us, she will look for chinks in our resolve but overall, our word goes and she listens. 

And here is why it applies to our children. The blurry lines between conscious and permissive parenting means that many parents these days offer huge amounts of choice to our kids under the guise of respecting their individuality; this varies from the mild shopping trip for clothes to the very important decisions about schools and nourishment. 

They are not meant to be making any of these decisions, they are emotionally immature for a very long time and whilst it’s important that they feel autonomous by letting them join in chores and daily living, fundamental choices belong to the parent. Asking them or facilitating their belief that they have control over these decisions can cause them extraordinary stress, which can manifest in many ways, tantrums included, least likely is for them to explain, ‘please decide for me’. 

They are not meant to be the alpha in the family and there are plenty of ways to respect their individuality and personality whilst also providing warm, loving, strong boundaries so they know these big emotional decisions aren’t up to them. 

So in this craze for letting our kids decide far too many things, I say, treat ‘em like a dog! 

First published on social media on 15th May 2023