
First time abroad in 3 years. Never did I surrender the sovereignty of my body or that of my children. We took no poison; we refused invasion and toxicity of testing; our faces, communication and breath were never hindered by suffocating cloth. We were prepared to miss the travelling that we all love for as long as it took for us to be able to move about with freedom.

And now we are here, feeling the sun on our bodies and the salt of the water as we bathe. Exploring, visiting, travelling.

Freedom is most definitely worth fighting for.

First published on social media on 19th August 2022


I could have written this book. Okay, I couldn’t because the research behind it is phenomenal and I’m more of an ‘intuitive reactor where I discover the data after the event’ type, whereas Candace has all the facts at her fingertips. 

But basically we are singing from the same song sheet, where radical personal accountability and responsibility married with resilience is the name of the game AND the necessary requirement for our society to start healing and moving forward. This blame/victim culture is killing our humanity, divorcing us from the strength of community and leaving us weak and exposed to the corrupt powers that be who wish to determine our paths. 

We need to stop falling for these labels and movements like #metoo, BLM, white supremacy, Covid paranoia; that imitate the collective, communal tribal energies but are actually false trails into darkness, disconnect and disempowerment. 

This book maybe highlighting the real struggles for Black America (and boy it was an enlightening journey of understanding) but the truth is it is entirely relevant for Western society everywhere. We need to claim back our sovereignty fast; it’s going to be uncomfortable for many and also entirely worth the self reflection. 

Candace’s own moments of self reflection are incredibly humbling and, whilst this book needed to be written, it could only hold the power it does by the fact that she has walked both paths. She has been the victim and has reclaimed her true essence with a voice that is unmissably honest and vibrant. 

This book is a must read to balance out the swathes of manipulated messaging beings thrust into our homes and hearts and a vital stepping stone to really recover the freedoms of our birthright for all of humanity. 

First published on social media on 21st April 22


Pete is my Guardian Angel, we have communicated together for close to 20 years now and he is my connection to spirit, love, sovereignty and peace.

Until this past month I have never know him anything but fully vibrant and present to my call. I speak and he answers, most often with humour and naturally with grace.

These past few weeks he is different, just as available, just as wise, but his form is something else entirely. If I were to try and describe it with the limitations of our human language, I would say he is in a place of rejuvenation and strengthening. Where once there was always light and brightness, now is dark around him. The light emits from his centre but it is a dull glow that I can see is being charged and filled to reach its greatest and most powerful potential.

He tells me all the angels are doing this now, they are in preparation for the tsunami of loving and healing energy that is about to unleash itself upon our world. It is a battle that will be won by the light, but also requires a surge of power not seen for thousands of years.

Prepare yourselves for the coming of truth and love. It is on the horizon and shall bring a change to our human consciousness quite unfathomable and utterly Divine.

First published on social media on 9th January 2022


Just as I think my heart couldn’t hurt anymore I see a post like this. And then I feel so intensely angry that there is such complicity that has enabled this horror.

This past year has all been about personal responsibility. When we take full responsibility for ourselves we become empowered in our own wisdom. As I have become more and more accountable for my actions, choices, behaviour and impact over the years, I have also deepened my real sense of self on every level: physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I understand my body and my health and have no fear of illness; I am in touch with my emotions so I can recognise when I am standing in fear or love; I have nurtured my faith in the Divine and do not fear lack or death.

All of these are about me taking responsibility for my place in the world and that includes standing in my sovereignty around these beautiful babies and children who are meeting life in the hardest of ways. Babies seek out my face in the shops because I am maskless, they need us to step out of fear and offer them a life worth living.

They are our future. Damage them now and it portends to the saddest of worlds; welcome them with all the love and compassion they deserve and heaven becomes a place on earth.

#children #future #love #fear #compassion #responsibility #wisdom #sovereignty #heaven #masks

First Written on Social Media 28 April 2021