
First time abroad in 3 years. Never did I surrender the sovereignty of my body or that of my children. We took no poison; we refused invasion and toxicity of testing; our faces, communication and breath were never hindered by suffocating cloth. We were prepared to miss the travelling that we all love for as long as it took for us to be able to move about with freedom.

And now we are here, feeling the sun on our bodies and the salt of the water as we bathe. Exploring, visiting, travelling.

Freedom is most definitely worth fighting for.

First published on social media on 19th August 2022

In Their Shoes…

This week I have been told that I am ‘inconsiderate’ and ‘unable to put myself in other people’s shoes’ by a close family member. It is a familiar pattern of criticism but certainly I think it’s important for me to reflect on it and see where my truth lies within it or indeed outside of it. 

I know that I could turn to a friend or two who would say the exact opposite and hotly defend me to boot but that’s the way of the world anywhere isn’t it? There are always places where we can validate or oppose our views and beliefs, looking outside is simply seeking confirmation rather than creating a knowing. 

So what is the truth within me? Once I would certainly have heard those words and believed them to be true; shamed and chastised myself for not being a good and kind person. Now I see them differently. 

There is truth in them but not within me. 

There is truth in them for the teller, their perception and beliefs mean that my actions and speech show those values or lack there of. I have not chosen the path that would reflect consideration for their feelings, logically that would indicate my inability to see their point of view, to step into their shoes. 

Except of course life is far more nuanced and complicated than that. I have made conscious and thoughtful decisions as to why I will not choose that path that would be ‘considerate’ and indeed in the depths of that decision is, in my view, a consideration far more powerful and important that encompasses their well-being, their freedoms and my love for humanity. 

I hope one day those will be seen but I recognise that it may also never happen. That I have to hold being judged whilst living my path with faith in my own integrity and also a humbleness to be able to accept that there is every possibility I could also one day be shown wrong in my perception. 

Meanwhile I stand in my truth, which is to protect the freedoms of mind, body and soul for all of my family and for all of humanity.  I do that without grandeur but with the small day to day decisions and choices that can seem so unnecessary, so petty, so inconsiderate without the bigger picture that I have in my eye-line. 

So in the end I am grateful for the criticisms, they have forced me to reflect and have helped me clarify even more clearly that I stand by those values in the face of a thousand words of judgements. I will bear the bruising of those words because I know, in this moment, I am making the best and most considerate of decisions. 

First published on social media on 24th January 2022


My children know that sometimes our freedoms are threatened, that sometimes we have to stand against the tidal waves of majority thinking to discern the real truths and sometimes we need to gather our hearts collectively to create a tour de force.

So today they walked.

They walked and felt the support of men and women from every walk of life; our common ground is our belief in freedom, for everyone, freedom to honour and respect our own bodies, freedom to travel, freedom to speak and live our values. One of the best lessons I could ever offer them.

And as always such a privilege to walk with thousands upon tens of thousands sharing the fight for freedom; partcularly those NHS workers ready to lose their jobs and careers upon this hill.

First published on social media on 22nd January 2022


Pete is my Guardian Angel, we have communicated together for close to 20 years now and he is my connection to spirit, love, sovereignty and peace.

Until this past month I have never know him anything but fully vibrant and present to my call. I speak and he answers, most often with humour and naturally with grace.

These past few weeks he is different, just as available, just as wise, but his form is something else entirely. If I were to try and describe it with the limitations of our human language, I would say he is in a place of rejuvenation and strengthening. Where once there was always light and brightness, now is dark around him. The light emits from his centre but it is a dull glow that I can see is being charged and filled to reach its greatest and most powerful potential.

He tells me all the angels are doing this now, they are in preparation for the tsunami of loving and healing energy that is about to unleash itself upon our world. It is a battle that will be won by the light, but also requires a surge of power not seen for thousands of years.

Prepare yourselves for the coming of truth and love. It is on the horizon and shall bring a change to our human consciousness quite unfathomable and utterly Divine.

First published on social media on 9th January 2022

The Evolution of War

I can’t take credit for this photo or its title but it is how I see where we are at, right in this moment in time.

We are at war for our freedoms, like every war has been about – control vs freedom, power vs liberty.

Many of those that can’t see this are in a place I can understand: a denial and a want to imagine the best. Surely these are just mistakes, perhaps even incompetences? Some seek blame at the hands of those fighting for everyone’s freedoms, determined not to find fault with their current perspective. If they are even reading these words, they might dismiss me as hysterical, a CT* or doom merchant.

I wish I was. History has repeated itself for millennia, but so quickly we forget. We can’t imagine that such darkness can really exist, so it is relegated to the past, to something we must forget and bury under the guises of innovation and development. But power corrupts or should I be clearer, only the wounded seek power as validation. Shouldn’t we therefore consider anyone in such a role with natural caution?

Wisdom and power are not the same. A wise leader wishes to aid, heal and guide without remittance. It is time to learn the difference, to remember the difference, to teach the difference. Will this struggle be endless or will we one day truly allow freedom of spirit, mind, body and soul to be celebrated and embraced as our constant?

That ideal is worth fighting for, speaking up for and showing up for. I am here.

*conspiracy theorist aka critical thinker

First published on social media 4th November 2021

A Question of Morality

Just last week I had to draw my line in the sand with a family member when they made it clear that they would support the segregation of society for those that refused the poison.

They did try to soften their stance by saying full coercion of the poison would make them ‘uncomfortable’ but either poison or constant testing was acceptable.

I checked again.

Did they think that I and my immediates, their own flesh and blood, (who are healthy, vibrant, functioning members of society) should be restricted from events, restaurants, shops, education and more because we maintain the right to body autonomy?

Well the government says…

I reiterated, this is not about what the government thinks but where their own personal morals lie. I restated that I am someone who takes my health seriously and I take full personal responsibility for it.

On paper, it is starkly obvious that our own immediate families’ health statuses have huge disparities. Is that one of the reasons it feels ok to penalise families like ours? To make health out of remit, something other, out of control and therefore handing it over to ‘higher’ expertise feels better than acknowledging the cracks at home could have been avoided or healed with consciousness and effort? Is that how it is for the rest of the world? That looking at cancers, spectrum disorders, autoimmune disturbances et al would mean whole lifestyles would have to be dismantled, careers reconsidered, priorities adjusted?

So is my family to be punished for your refusal to take ownership of your life?

It is then implied that because I stray from the government narrative what I’m experiencing as my health reality cannot be true, that I’m somehow endangering people with my foolhardy attitude. Science, perspective, health is, and has always been, fluid. Multiple truths can co-exist, paradigms shift, discoveries explode beliefs. Total safety, risk free living does not exist nor is it viable.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe I will die a horrible death from my own ignorance but if you are taking poisons and wearing masks to keep you safe then it doesn’t matter if my fresh air, organic and nutrient dense food, emotional healing and spiritual reach doesn’t work for me.

So let me be. I am free, I always will be and I will not accept you trying to take that from me. It is simply a question of our own morality, to which we each have our unique standards.

My line in the sand is Freedom, both for you and for me. I hope to see you there.


This photograph makes me weep. Where has my beautiful world gone? The one where common sense and common decency prevailed above all the idiosyncratic crazy’s.

There is always chaos, there is always darkness. Life wouldn’t be life without the contrast and the shadow. I have borne witness to and been part of plenty and been so grateful retrospectively for the insight, healing and wisdom it offers.

One day I will feel the same about now, but right now I am crying for the cold, alienating, separating choices that so many, too many, are embracing to protect themselves from an exaggerated fear.

I am crying for all the babies, all the beautiful, wonderful children that are growing up right now thinking life is unsafe and threatening. That are being shown by their mentors and guides to fear their bodies and the bodies of others; to fear each other.

I am crying for the irrevocable harm being caused to all these divine bodies through the mistaken belief that experimental poison could protect them.

This heroic man’s face, lifted to the sun, lifted to the heavens above, being physically forced to mask, to inhibit his very source and energy for control and dictate.

This has broken me today.

May I rise stronger tomorrow to begin again and continue to stand for our freedoms, our breath, our light and our love.

#darkness #chaos #control #masks #freedom #choice #love #light #divine #hope #tears

First Written on Social Media 9 May 2021

The Ones I Thought Were Friends

Many claim they want the jab but also stand for personal & medical freedom. Except they don’t. They don’t stand up, they don’t speak out. They don’t support freedom at all, because they’re not willing to fight for it on principle. They are the biggest disappointment of all.

These are the ones who would glance towards the secret door when the soldiers come knocking. These are the ones who would use their pass to step onto the train to freedom knowingly leaving you behind, pretending to themselves that you’re sure to follow soon. These are the ones who claim they’re doing things for the Greater Good, except it’s only for their own safe, selected community. These are the ones I thought were my friends, until they showed me that friendship means nothing as long as they feel safe.

I am soulfully disappointed. And I am deeply grateful for finding out what I truly value in friendship and discovering it in unexpected, joyful places.

#truthrisesup #friendship #thedarkesthours #speakup #standup #thegifts #joy #disappointment #grateful #thegreatergood #freedom

First written on Social Media 1 March 2021

They say I have no compassion

They say I have no compassion

Yet my mind and heart are torn with concern for the decimation of our children’s well-being. The long term impact on their mental health from the hysterical fear messaging by those that are supposed to keep them safe.

They say I have no compassion

Yet my heart breaks for the elderly left alone, without touch or love; empty days to end their lives on, how does this protect them? Has anyone asked for their opinion, for their choices?

They say I have no compassion

But my soul weeps for the disconnection from humanity; masks, division, fear, compliance to arbitrary and harmful rules.

They say I have no compassion

Though I lie awake wondering how those whose livelihoods have disappeared before their eyes are putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads, at home and abroad.

I am so bemused by being told that decisions are for my freedom and protection when they are doing the opposite. Where education is being removed unless we submit to suffocating our children; where travel is threatened to be withheld unless we allow unnecessary medical procedures; where I am being pushed to use cashless finance, irrelevant to how that impacts our lives including that of our children and our privacy; that I am not free to roam my community without confrontation around masks, sanitiser, personal details.

How is any of this creating a more connected, loving community? I am not afraid of a virus that has the same impact of any other virus. Those that take personal responsibility for their health will survive without impact; those who are vulnerable will face the same risks from life as they always have.

They say I have no compassion but where is their compassion for all those suffering in order to ‘protect’ them?


The Real Privilege

My husband beings home the money so that we can raise our children with one parent as their solid continuum. Except he hasn’t been able to bring home the money for four months now.

The government has ‘supported’ us during this time of COVID-19 with less than a quarter of our monthly expenses (and I mean expenses not frivolity; food, bills, mortgage). We have taken a six month mortgage holiday. And we have had to swallow our pride and ask for money from family. Yet I still know how privileged we are, the fact that we have family to ask, that they are able to give. We are the lucky ones.

Not so a vast swathe of, not only the British population, but in fact the global population. Many of whom will now be facing dire poverty, starvation, homelessness and all the mental and physical health issues that come with those. It sickens me to my core to imagine how people who work hard, strive hard to support their families and loved ones have had this purpose snatched away from them with so little consideration for their plight.

It sickens me to hear people advocate for further limiting restrictions to protect their fears of illness and death. Even if we didn’t know at the beginning, we know now. This virus is over 99.5% survivable. This has been a lockdown of privilege beyond all proportion. It is for those that can comfortably exist without monthly income or can work from their laptops at home. It is for the celebrities hiding out in their estates and telling us to be good and kind people by following their orders.

The people who will come out of this farce and injustice unscathed are the most privileged people on the planet and they seemingly couldn’t give two hoots about the rest of the world. I don’t think I could bear to hear another ‘leader’ of our world pretend to care about the masses when it is so obvious that they only care about their own reputations and well being.

We have been discussing white privilege in society for some time now, but it is the same people that make a show of fighting for this cause that are now silent for those lives decimated by lockdown and the suppression of our liberties. Token gestures.

I am angry.

How have we come to this place where we can so comfortably destroy infinitesimally more lives than we have saved and still be convincing the general public to turn on each other in the name of common decency?

I spoke to six strangers at the farmers market today who were not aware of their rights around the ‘mandated’ rules and regulations. They were all in fear of fines and reprisals despite not approving of or believing in the ‘laws’.

I am fortunate enough to be tapped into a world where we remind each other of the ‘other’ truths, the other possibilities and options rather than that of the mainstream media. An industry that is dictated to by just five or six billionaires, so divorced from real life, it means nothing to them. We have become their pawns, to manipulate at will.

It’s time for the rebellion, for the resistance.

It’s time to explore your rights and hold on bloody tight to them without relinquishing them to the privileged powers that be.

Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!