
I could have written this book. Okay, I couldn’t because the research behind it is phenomenal and I’m more of an ‘intuitive reactor where I discover the data after the event’ type, whereas Candace has all the facts at her fingertips. 

But basically we are singing from the same song sheet, where radical personal accountability and responsibility married with resilience is the name of the game AND the necessary requirement for our society to start healing and moving forward. This blame/victim culture is killing our humanity, divorcing us from the strength of community and leaving us weak and exposed to the corrupt powers that be who wish to determine our paths. 

We need to stop falling for these labels and movements like #metoo, BLM, white supremacy, Covid paranoia; that imitate the collective, communal tribal energies but are actually false trails into darkness, disconnect and disempowerment. 

This book maybe highlighting the real struggles for Black America (and boy it was an enlightening journey of understanding) but the truth is it is entirely relevant for Western society everywhere. We need to claim back our sovereignty fast; it’s going to be uncomfortable for many and also entirely worth the self reflection. 

Candace’s own moments of self reflection are incredibly humbling and, whilst this book needed to be written, it could only hold the power it does by the fact that she has walked both paths. She has been the victim and has reclaimed her true essence with a voice that is unmissably honest and vibrant. 

This book is a must read to balance out the swathes of manipulated messaging beings thrust into our homes and hearts and a vital stepping stone to really recover the freedoms of our birthright for all of humanity. 

First published on social media on 21st April 22

Due Diligence

This is my mood today.

After a weekend loaded with family tension around the devastation being perpetrated on our children and the blind belief in a narrative that is collapsing around their ears, I feel done with any attempt at subtle explanations.

This is the truth. Children are dying and are having life changing injuries from these need?es. (Honestly, they have been for decades by the other scheduled pricks too, but the scale of what is happening right now is off the charts.)

If anyone justifies this process, they are complicit, because the data is out there. There are enough doctors and experts speaking up, sharing their experiences and knowledge that to ignore it is becoming wilful ignorance.

Hiding behind disparaging labels of anti-va**ers, supremacists, bigots, bias, misinformation etc is only making you look foolish and will not remove the stain on your conscience when the truth can no longer be shielded from exposure.

Do your research, look at the numbers, listen to every side of the story and make sure you end up on the right side of history.

Our children depend on it.

First published on social media on 8th February 2022


My children know that sometimes our freedoms are threatened, that sometimes we have to stand against the tidal waves of majority thinking to discern the real truths and sometimes we need to gather our hearts collectively to create a tour de force.

So today they walked.

They walked and felt the support of men and women from every walk of life; our common ground is our belief in freedom, for everyone, freedom to honour and respect our own bodies, freedom to travel, freedom to speak and live our values. One of the best lessons I could ever offer them.

And as always such a privilege to walk with thousands upon tens of thousands sharing the fight for freedom; partcularly those NHS workers ready to lose their jobs and careers upon this hill.

First published on social media on 22nd January 2022

The Evolution of War

I can’t take credit for this photo or its title but it is how I see where we are at, right in this moment in time.

We are at war for our freedoms, like every war has been about – control vs freedom, power vs liberty.

Many of those that can’t see this are in a place I can understand: a denial and a want to imagine the best. Surely these are just mistakes, perhaps even incompetences? Some seek blame at the hands of those fighting for everyone’s freedoms, determined not to find fault with their current perspective. If they are even reading these words, they might dismiss me as hysterical, a CT* or doom merchant.

I wish I was. History has repeated itself for millennia, but so quickly we forget. We can’t imagine that such darkness can really exist, so it is relegated to the past, to something we must forget and bury under the guises of innovation and development. But power corrupts or should I be clearer, only the wounded seek power as validation. Shouldn’t we therefore consider anyone in such a role with natural caution?

Wisdom and power are not the same. A wise leader wishes to aid, heal and guide without remittance. It is time to learn the difference, to remember the difference, to teach the difference. Will this struggle be endless or will we one day truly allow freedom of spirit, mind, body and soul to be celebrated and embraced as our constant?

That ideal is worth fighting for, speaking up for and showing up for. I am here.

*conspiracy theorist aka critical thinker

First published on social media 4th November 2021


This photograph makes me weep. Where has my beautiful world gone? The one where common sense and common decency prevailed above all the idiosyncratic crazy’s.

There is always chaos, there is always darkness. Life wouldn’t be life without the contrast and the shadow. I have borne witness to and been part of plenty and been so grateful retrospectively for the insight, healing and wisdom it offers.

One day I will feel the same about now, but right now I am crying for the cold, alienating, separating choices that so many, too many, are embracing to protect themselves from an exaggerated fear.

I am crying for all the babies, all the beautiful, wonderful children that are growing up right now thinking life is unsafe and threatening. That are being shown by their mentors and guides to fear their bodies and the bodies of others; to fear each other.

I am crying for the irrevocable harm being caused to all these divine bodies through the mistaken belief that experimental poison could protect them.

This heroic man’s face, lifted to the sun, lifted to the heavens above, being physically forced to mask, to inhibit his very source and energy for control and dictate.

This has broken me today.

May I rise stronger tomorrow to begin again and continue to stand for our freedoms, our breath, our light and our love.

#darkness #chaos #control #masks #freedom #choice #love #light #divine #hope #tears

First Written on Social Media 9 May 2021


It is so easy to believe that what we know NOW is the absolute truth. Science is all about the miraculous, the knowledge above the masses, the elite few intelligentsia.

But really it is an industry fuelled by ego that preaches dogmatism despite each new discovery. Wisdom shows us that paradigm shifts have created waves and leaps that have blown old ‘facts’ out of the water. Yet we still hang on to the current truth rather than the reality that everything is up for rediscovery and new paradigms.

The science is never settled. I will accept 2+2=4, although even then I’m willing to see it through a different lens and be wrong. But everything else is a mix of culture, ego, timing, perspective and belief and all of that can turn on a dime.

#science #dogmatism #paradigm #ego #wisdom #belief #perspective #openmind #openheart

First Written on Social Media 7 May 2021


Just as I think my heart couldn’t hurt anymore I see a post like this. And then I feel so intensely angry that there is such complicity that has enabled this horror.

This past year has all been about personal responsibility. When we take full responsibility for ourselves we become empowered in our own wisdom. As I have become more and more accountable for my actions, choices, behaviour and impact over the years, I have also deepened my real sense of self on every level: physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I understand my body and my health and have no fear of illness; I am in touch with my emotions so I can recognise when I am standing in fear or love; I have nurtured my faith in the Divine and do not fear lack or death.

All of these are about me taking responsibility for my place in the world and that includes standing in my sovereignty around these beautiful babies and children who are meeting life in the hardest of ways. Babies seek out my face in the shops because I am maskless, they need us to step out of fear and offer them a life worth living.

They are our future. Damage them now and it portends to the saddest of worlds; welcome them with all the love and compassion they deserve and heaven becomes a place on earth.

#children #future #love #fear #compassion #responsibility #wisdom #sovereignty #heaven #masks

First Written on Social Media 28 April 2021

Just A Click Away

I remember a few years ago mentioning to my husband about all the babies that were dying from the V’s. Seeing a new story everyday on social media was really breaking my heart.

What stories? He said. He didn’t see them come up on his pages and I realised in that moment how easy it was to be ignorant to the absolute devastation that is happening to hundreds of thousands of families all the time. If your clicks focus on other areas of life, this information doesn’t enter your sphere, by order of the technocrats.

So I understand now that perhaps many people are also not seeing the constant death and life changing side effects that these current V’s are inflicting. That if your side effect was just some fever and headaches which passed in a few days, you might think that’s as bad as it gets.

It isn’t.

The deaths of so many who statistically would be beyond unlikely to die from CV; whose lives have been cut short to protect those at death’s door. The life altering neurological damage, auto immune disorders and so much more to come. And I know there is more because I have witnessed and studied the effects of interfering with our amazing bodies in this way. No good will come.

I have seen the studies that showed how all the animals primed with an RNA V died when exposed to the virus back out in the wild. So I will tell you now that this next ‘flu’ season is going to see a spike like never before. That’s not because of any new variant (which are genetically insignificant by the way) or because people have broken the rules. It’s because the bodies of you and your loved ones have been prepared for it under the pretext of protection and freedom.

I don’t need to argue the point with anyone and I would be overjoyed to be wrong, but what if just a tiny bit of what I am saying is true? What if you start adjusting your clicks to see a different perspective on the world with an open mind and a heart ready to bear the pain of witnessing so much suffering at the hands of ‘good intention’.

I understand that need for blissful ignorance, I so often wish it for myself, but in actuality the time is now that we must arm ourselves with truth and clear vision in order to prevent these modern gas chambers from devastating our world, our families, our love.

#mytruth #research #openmind #death #devastation #justonelife #ignorance


First Written on Social Media 18 April 2021

Not All Women

So I have some questions. You know those mothers, the really damaged, wounded ones, who abuse their children? The ones who starve them, neglect them, beat them and sexually assault them?

Am I responsible for those women because I am also a woman?

Should I be at the school gates everyday, making delicate, or perhaps obvious, enquiries into any behaviour that is outside of generically good and kind? Should I be talking to all the mum’s about whether their own toxic childhood is damaging their children?

If I saw a woman doing any of these things to their children, would I step in? You bet your bottom dollar I would. But would I presume all mothers are like this, degrade them with this presumption and nag and belittle them just in case they might be one of those exceptional and rare cases? No I wouldn’t.

So I’m not going to do that to men either. I trust human nature to be good and kind. Are there exceptions? Of course. But I won’t poison the whole pot just to punish those perpetrators. As much as it makes me heartbreakingly sad when I hear stories of any form of abuse, it is not helpful to live in fear of it.

Fear creates fear. Love creates love.

#fear #love #trust #kindness #men #women #children #notallmen #notallwomen

First Written on Social Media 13 March 2021

The Ones I Thought Were Friends

Many claim they want the jab but also stand for personal & medical freedom. Except they don’t. They don’t stand up, they don’t speak out. They don’t support freedom at all, because they’re not willing to fight for it on principle. They are the biggest disappointment of all.

These are the ones who would glance towards the secret door when the soldiers come knocking. These are the ones who would use their pass to step onto the train to freedom knowingly leaving you behind, pretending to themselves that you’re sure to follow soon. These are the ones who claim they’re doing things for the Greater Good, except it’s only for their own safe, selected community. These are the ones I thought were my friends, until they showed me that friendship means nothing as long as they feel safe.

I am soulfully disappointed. And I am deeply grateful for finding out what I truly value in friendship and discovering it in unexpected, joyful places.

#truthrisesup #friendship #thedarkesthours #speakup #standup #thegifts #joy #disappointment #grateful #thegreatergood #freedom

First written on Social Media 1 March 2021